How do I add or remove a user from a Poached Location?

If you have multiple managers or business locations and would like to maintain individual accounts privacy, you can add users to each location on your Poached account.

Only users with a registered Poached account are able to become child users for your Locations. If you would like one of your staff members to become a child user, please make sure they have a registered Poached account beforehand.

To register an Employer Poached account, click here

To Add a User:

Verify that your Locations have been enabled and you have added your locations. Click to learn more about enabling Locations or Adding a New Location.

To add a user, click on your Locations tab then click on the blue arrow to the right of the desired location. This will direct you to a specific location’s landing page. Click on Add New User on the top right.

Click on the arrow to the right of the field, then click on Add New User. Enter the email address of the desired user and click Add User.


After adding a user we automatically send an email to the address provided notifying them that they’ve been invited to a location. From this email the user will be directed to log into their Poached account and accept the invitation from the Locations tab in their side navigation panel.


To Remove a User:

To remove a user click on the Locations tab in your side navigation panel. Select  on the arrow to the right of the desired location.

 Click on the trash icon to the right of the child user you would like to remove. 

Confirm the deletion on the pop up modal. If the user is added to multiple locations click the box to the left of Remove this user from all locations and Confirm. 

Once you remove a child user from your Locations this user will not be able to access any data or information from your account or any Locations.