How Do I Invite A Worker To My Shift By Email?

Whether you are inviting a worker to a shift for a paid stage or because they are not on your roster, here is a review of how you can invite a worker to your shift by email.

To invite a worker by email, first make sure they have a registered Poached account and have completed their Shifts Orientation and Onboarding.

Here are the steps to invite a worker:

1. Log in to your Poached account.

2. Go to the Shifts tab in your side panel and click on "Post New Shifts" at the top right.

3. Fill out the Shift post form and click "Next."

4. On the Preview page, select the "Only Allow Specific Workers" option and click "Submit."


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5. Click "invite by email" in the pop up modal.


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6. Enter the desired worker's email address, then click on "Add".

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7. And you're all set! Poached will send the invited worker a notification of the posted shift in order to book. 

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If you receive an error notification stating that the invited worker is not available, it is likely because they have not yet completed the Shifts Orientation and Onboarding. It is important for workers to finish these steps before they can be invited to work Shifts.

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If you need further assistance please reach out to Poached Support at