How do I use Poached Working Interview?

Interested in a candidate that applied to your job ad, but want to test out their technical skills before deciding on the hire?

With Poached you can easily set up a Working Interview to stage your applicant before hiring.

You will be able to message the candidates, schedule the time of the working interview, invite and then pay the applicants for their time - all from your Poached dashboard. 

When you are ready to schedule the interview, simply navigate to the applicants and from the left side selection panel, select the resume of the worker you wish to invite. 

Click the “Interview” icon at the top of the page.

Once you select the Poached Working interview, you can enter in the hourly pay rate and provide details of what to expect during the interview to the candidate. 

Once the candidate is invited to the interview, they will be able to accept or decline the interview. 

You can message the applicant in regards to the interview by selecting the “message” icon at the top of the application page. Candidates can also message you through Poached to ask about the upcoming interview or to request a change to the time of the interview. If a time change is requested, you can view the original details of the interview and adjust the times - the applicant will not be able to edit the working interview, only you will be able to officially make the changes. 

A candidate who has accepted a working interview will receive a clock in reminder and be able to clock in and out for the interview. When the interview is complete and the candidate has submitted their hours, you can pay the invoice through the Billing section of your Poached account. Here you will be able to add any tip, if applicable. 

Great Job! You just hosted a Poached Working Interview.

Managing Interviews: 

You can view your interviews and their statuses through the Interviews panel

Confirmed: Candidate has agreed to time and location of working interview

Pending: Candidate needs to accept interview through their account

Declined: Candidate has not agreed to meet for interview 

If a candidate did not show up for the interview, you will be able to mark them as a No Show - simply click on the blue arrow icon to the right of the interview, and select an option from the pop up on the following screen.