How do I edit and submit my hours for an invoice?

Learn how to edit your hours and submit an invoice through the Poached App.

To edit an invoice:

  1. After clocking out, select "End Shift and Send Invoice."
  2. Click "Edit Invoice" on the popup screen. 
    edit invoice
  3. You can edit your invoice in various ways. Click on the date and time links to correct a recorded time. Click the "X" icon to delete a recorded segment or the + icon to add a segment if you forgot to clock in. 
  4. Select "Save" in the upper right corner when all looks good. You can review your edited invoice before selecting "Submit for Payment."

To submit an invoice:

  1. Clock out of your shift. 
  2. Select "End Shift and Send Invoice"
You will be able to review your hours one more time. If all looks good, select "Submit for Payment."
popup submit for payment or edit invoice