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How do I view my Invoices?

Looking to access or monitor your invoices? Explore how this functionality is accessible within your Poached app

In todays bustling gig economy, Poached recognizes the importance of streamlining invoice management for Shift workers for financial transparency and security. By using the Poached app, this process is seamlessly integrated, making it simple for you to keep an eye on and manage your invoices.

Here's our comprehensive guide on how to make the most of the Invoices feature from the Shifts tab of your Poached app:

  • Accessing Invoices

Upon navigating to the Shifts tab of your Poached app, locate and tap on the "Invoices" option. This action will swiftly direct you to an overview of your invoices, conveniently defaulted to the current month.

  • Filtering Options

Poached empowers you to tailor your view according to your preferences. In addition to the default Month to Date setting, you have the option to filter your view to Year to Date or All Time, providing a comprehensive snapshot of all your invoices.

  • Exploring Invoice Details

For a more in-depth look at an invoice, just tap on the invoice row. This will open a pop-up displaying all the relevant invoice details, from payment statuses to invoiced hours.

  • Invoice Details Display

Poached prioritizes transparency and clarity when it comes to your invoices. With the Invoice Details display, you can easily see a detailed breakdown of amounts for open, paid, and hours invoiced, all tailored to your chosen filter criteria.

  • Printable or Downloadable Versions of Invoice History

If you ever require a downloadable or printable version of your invoices, don't worry! Although this feature isn't currently available in the app, simply reach out to Poached Support at support@poached.com with the date range of the invoices you need. Our dedicated team will be more than happy to provide this service for you.

Rest assured that our dedicated team is diligently working towards integrating this highly requested feature in the near future, further enhancing the utility of the Poached app for Shift workers.