Here are a few best practices to aid in receiving the best outcome for your Shift
- Series of Shifts
Poached will fill your shifts for you according to the Workers Eligibility Settings option you selected and the worker’s Shift preferences, including availability. Workers value flexibility, therefore Poached suggests limiting 2-3 shifts per Shift posting to increase your chances of receiving a worker with matching availability.
- Shift Wage
Shift workers are typically paid a higher wage for their flexibility and ability to adapt. To retain the best qualified workers, Poached recommends increasing the wage of the Shift from what you would offer a permanent employee, especially on short notice listings.
- Last Minute Shifts
To ensure that Poached is able to fill your Shift with a qualified work with adequate availability, Poached recommends allotting a minimum of 24 hours before posting your Shift.
- Be Detailed in Shift Post
To maintain clarity on your Shift needs and expectations, please provide a detailed description in your posting. Listing information regarding work environment, transportation/parking, required uniforms, specific entrances, staff meals, shift duties, etc., all aid in avoiding confusion the day of the shift. Please keep in mind that your worker may be coming on site unseen, therefore the worker should feel comfortable as possible going into the shift.
- Worker Confirmation
Please ensure that the present worker is in fact the booked worker for your Shift. You are able to view the booked worker’s profile to obtain their name and profile picture before they arrive to understand who to expect. If you need a booked worker to start working earlier than the listed time, or if the worker is experiencing issues with recording hours and/or submitting an invoice, please reach out to Poached Support as soon as possible.