What is the Find a Shift feature?

Discover more about this feature and how you can leverage its benefits.

Found in the Shift tab of the Poached App, this feature provides active Shift workers with the freedom to explore and book shifts that suit their schedule.

Navigating through the Find a Shift feature is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward. To access it, simply open the Shift tab in the Poached App and side-scroll through the days of the week. Available shifts are easily identified by a black dot below the day's number in the week preview.

After finding a day with available shifts, users can tap on the date to access detailed Shift listings. Each shift is meticulously outlined, providing essential information for prospective workers. From shift duration to job responsibilities, users can make informed decisions about their potential work commitments.

Users can delve deeper into Shift details by tapping on specific Shifts within the Find a Shift feature. This allows them to access comprehensive information like location, compensation, and any additional requirements. Equipped with these insights, Shift workers can confidently choose shifts that best match their preferences and skills.

A standout feature of the Find a Shift tool is its inclusivity. Poached understands that shift workers have diverse schedules, whether rigid or adaptable. This tool accommodates all shift workers, allowing them to easily find shifts that align with their unique availability requirements.