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  2. Managing your Poached Worker Account

What should I do if I can’t see any Shifts?

What you can do if you're not seeing shifts, or if you're not seeing the variety of positions you'd like

There are a few main reasons your app isn't displaying Shifts

1. You need to adjust your availability 

When you sign up for Poached Shifts and create your profile, you will be asked to set your availability. This availability setting will be taken into account when showing you the current available shifts. If you would like to see more shifts, you can adjust your availability at any time through your Poached app. 


2. Your Shift Preferences are limited  

If you've adjusted your availability and still aren't seeing shifts, it might be because you are not eligible for some Shifts due to your Shift preferences and set commute distance. You can adjust    your Preferences and commute distance through your Poached app.


3. Poached Shifts are not in your Market yet

The need for Poached Shifts is constantly growing! You can check out our map of where you can work Poached Shifts, and where we are going to be expanding in the near future.

Poached Shifts main markets: 

  • Portland OR and surrounding areas
  • Seattle WA
  • Austin TX
  • Dallas TX
  • Denver CO

Poached Shifts coming soon to an area near you:

  • Miami and Central Florida
  • New York City
  • D.C. Metro area
  • Atlanta GA
  • Chicago IL
  • Boston MA
  • And more!